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(IN-PERSON) Postpartum Yoga

This class integrates all of the foundational methods introduced in the 4-week Postpartum Yoga Foundation Series (or Postpartum Elementals Online) into functional movements, rebalancing and rebuilding our practice from the ground up with confidence, safety, community and positivity. Specifically, we will focus on back strengthening, shoulder and chest opening, glute strengthening and stretching, core training, pelvic floor balancing, vinyasas and more, within the context of safety for the postpartum body. This is a great segue for postpartum women looking to take their foundational training to the next level as they progressively deepen their asana practice, as well as to safely progress towards integrating into regular asana classes. The Postpartum Yoga Foundation Series is highly recommended as a prerequisite.

Currently, Amber is only offering this class at HOM Yoga Singapore

Saturdays 1pm - 2pm

Wednesdays, 12:30pm - 1:30pm

To learn more about HOM Yoga, visit:

To register, please email:

Class packages are available

To learn more about the prerequisite programs:
Postpartum Yoga Foundation Series (In-Person) offered at HOM Yoga, please visit HERE.
Postpartum Elementals ONLINE, please visit HERE