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(ONLINE) Postpartum Elementals: 5-week Course

Postpartum Elementals with Amber

A 5-week, online postpartum journey of reconnection, restoration and reintegration, through the lens of Yoga and the Elements with Amber Sawyer

Postpartum Elementals offers a holistic approach towards restoring, reconnecting and rebuilding the postpartum body/mind, following birth, through the lens of Yoga and the Elements. Yoga, to yoke, is the discovery of union within all of the levels of our being. With the ever shifting identity of motherhood, the ongoing physical transformations of the postpartum body and the sea of change that new mothers find themselves in, Yoga can offer a continuity and framework to lean into these changes safely, compassionately, alertly and with wisdom and intuition guiding us.

This workshop centres on healing and restoring, you, as the mother, as the woman and as the magnificent and multi-faceted human being that you are. Specifically, this is a mindful and foundational practice for reconnecting you to YOU and is for empowering you to find inner and outer alignment, whether you are newly postpartum or even many years since having your child(ren).

Early Bee Rate: 149 USD by 28 Jan

Normal Rate: 199 USD

  • This course will run 4x a year LIVE and/or you can purchase to have access from recordings at any time.

  • Current course: 4 Feb - 4 March 2021